Thursday, November 8, 2007

How to earn Online money?

What is PayPal

PayPal is the easiest and safest way to get paid PayPal, an eBay company, enables any business or consumer with an email address to send and receive online payments.
PayPal transactions are fast and secure. With PayPal, buying on the Internet is more convenient and cost-effective than ever before. Learn more about PayPal.

How to use PayPal ?

Select PayPal as the payment method. You will be taken to the PayPal website, from where you can receive your payment. If you do not already have a PayPal account,sign up for one now! From the PayPal website. That's it.

Benefits of using PayPal

Getting paid by PayPal is:

FAST - sellers don't need to wait for cheques to clear
EASY - all we need is the seller's email address
SECURE - your financial transaction is safe.

Finding information about your payments

To view details of your PayPal payments, log in to your PayPal account and click History. Skim the transactions listed, or use the search filters at the top of the page to find your payment. Then, click the link in the Status column to see full details about your payment. Details include the time, date, item name, delivery address, optional message, and more.

In case of fraud
Find out more about protection offered by PayPal:

PayPal Buyer Protection
PayPal Seller Protection

To open a personal PayPal account, you must provide your name, address, phone number, and email address. In order to make payments using PayPal, you must provide a credit card, or debit card, or bank account information.

Check here how to receive money from PayPal
For register at PayPal click here.

What is Western Union

Western Union Is a global leader in money transfer services.
Helps consumers and businesses send money and bill payments quickly and reliably.
Allows consumers to prepay for wireless and home phone service, Internet access, and even purchase a Prepaid MasterCard.
Provides consumers with financial choices, convenience and control.
Offers services through more than 245,000 Agent locations in more than 200 countries and territories around the world.

How to receive money through Western Union:

All you need to to is give us your full name and address.
We will send a money to Western Union Agent in your country.
You can find an Agent location in a variety of places. Supermarkets, grocery stores, and check cashers, are just a few examples. In some countries, Agent locations may be in banks, travel agencies, post offices, airports, and currency exchange offices. So, wherever you are there’s probably an Agent location near you.

What you have to do is:

STEP 1: Complete the form
Complete the To Receive Money form and give it to the Agent clerk with your identification card.

STEP 2: Sign the receipt
Review and sign the receipt that the Agent clerk gives you.

STEP 3: Receive the money
The Agent clerk will give you the money that was sent to you with a copy of the receipt and you are on your way.
Trough Western Union :

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